1. 创建主表
CREATE TABLE users ( uid int not null primary key, name varchar(20));
2. 创建分区表(必须继承上面的主表)
CREATE TABLE users_0 ( check (uid >= 0 and uid< 100) ) INHERITS (users); CREATE TABLE users_1 ( check (uid >= 100)) INHERITS (users);
3. 在分区表上建立索引,其实这步可以省略的哦
CREATE INDEX users_0_uidindex on users_0(uid); CREATE INDEX users_1_uidindex on users_1(uid);
4. 创建规则RULE
CREATE RULE users_insert_0 AS ON INSERT TO users WHERE (uid >= 0 and uid < 100) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO users_0 VALUES (NEW.uid,NEW.name); CREATE RULE users_insert_1 AS ON INSERT TO users WHERE (uid >= 100) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO users_1 VALUES (NEW.uid,NEW.name);
postgres=# INSERT INTO users VALUES (100,'smallfish'); INSERT 0 0 postgres=# INSERT INTO users VALUES (20,'aaaaa'); INSERT 0 0 postgres=# select * from users; uid | name -----+----------- 20 | aaaaa 100 | smallfish (2 笔资料列) postgres=# select * from users_0; uid | name -----+------- 20 | aaaaa (1 笔资料列) postgres=# select * from users_1; uid | name -----+----------- 100 | smallfish (1 笔资料列)
postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM users where uid<100; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=62.75..62.76 rows=1 width=0) -> Append (cost=6.52..60.55 rows=879 width=0) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on users (cost=6.52..20.18 rows=293 width=0) Recheck Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Index Scan on users_pkey (cost=0.00..6.45 rows=293 width=0) Index Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on users_0 users (cost=6.52..20.18 rows=293 width=0) Recheck Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Index Scan on users_0_uidindex (cost=0.00..6.45 rows=293 width=0) Index Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on users_1 users (cost=6.52..20.18 rows=293 width=0) Recheck Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Index Scan on users_1_uidindex (cost=0.00..6.45 rows=293 width=0) Index Cond: (uid < 100) (14 笔资料列)
postgres=# SET constraint_exclusion = on; SET postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM users where uid<100; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=41.83..41.84 rows=1 width=0) -> Append (cost=6.52..40.37 rows=586 width=0) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on users (cost=6.52..20.18 rows=293 width=0) Recheck Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Index Scan on users_pkey (cost=0.00..6.45 rows=293 width=0) Index Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on users_0 users (cost=6.52..20.18 rows=293 width=0) Recheck Cond: (uid < 100) -> Bitmap Index Scan on users_0_uidindex (cost=0.00..6.45 rows=293 width=0) Index Cond: (uid < 100) (10 笔资料列)
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