



  #include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stddef.h>  #include <stdarg.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <assert.h>  #include <hiredis.h>    void doTest()  {    int timeout = 10000;    struct timeval tv;    tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;    tv.tv_usec = timeout * 1000;    //以带有超时的方式链接Redis服务器,同时获取与Redis连接的上下文对象。    //该对象将用于其后所有与Redis操作的函数。    redisContext* c = redisConnectWithTimeout("",6379,tv);    if (c->err) {      redisFree(c);      return;    }    const char* command1 = "set stest1 value1";    redisReply* r = (redisReply*)redisCommand(c,command1);    //需要注意的是,如果返回的对象是NULL,则表示客户端和服务器之间出现严重错误,必须重新链接。    //这里只是举例说明,简便起见,后面的命令就不再做这样的判断了。    if (NULL == r) {      redisFree(c);      return;    }    //不同的Redis命令返回的数据类型不同,在获取之前需要先判断它的实际类型。    //至于各种命令的返回值信息,可以参考Redis的官方文档,或者查看该系列博客的前几篇    //有关Redis各种数据类型的博客。:)    //字符串类型的set命令的返回值的类型是REDIS_REPLY_STATUS,然后只有当返回信息是"OK"    //时,才表示该命令执行成功。后面的例子以此类推,就不再过多赘述了。    if (!(r->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS && strcasecmp(r->str,"OK") == 0)) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s].n",command1);      freeReplyObject(r);      redisFree(c);      return;    }    //由于后面重复使用该变量,所以需要提前释放,否则内存泄漏。    freeReplyObject(r);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s].n",command1);      const char* command2 = "strlen stest1";    r = (redisReply*)redisCommand(c,command2);    if (r->type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s].n",command2);      freeReplyObject(r);      redisFree(c);      return;    }    int length = r->integer;    freeReplyObject(r);    printf("The length of 'stest1' is %d.n",length);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s].n",command2);      const char* command3 = "get stest1";    r = (redisReply*)redisCommand(c,command3);    if (r->type != REDIS_REPLY_STRING) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s].n",command3);      freeReplyObject(r);      redisFree(c);      return;    }    printf("The value of 'stest1' is %s.n",r->str);    freeReplyObject(r);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s].n",command3);      const char* command4 = "get stest2";    r = (redisReply*)redisCommand(c,command4);    //这里需要先说明一下,由于stest2键并不存在,因此Redis会返回空结果,这里只是为了演示。    if (r->type != REDIS_REPLY_NIL) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s].n",command4);      freeReplyObject(r);      redisFree(c);      return;    }    freeReplyObject(r);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s].n",command4);      const char* command5 = "mget stest1 stest2";    r = (redisReply*)redisCommand(c,command5);    //不论stest2存在与否,Redis都会给出结果,只是第二个值为nil。    //由于有多个值返回,因为返回应答的类型是数组类型。    if (r->type != REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s].n",command5);      freeReplyObject(r);      redisFree(c);      //r->elements表示子元素的数量,不管请求的key是否存在,该值都等于请求是键的数量。      assert(2 == r->elements);      return;    }    for (int i = 0; i < r->elements; ++i) {      redisReply* childReply = r->element[i];      //之前已经介绍过,get命令返回的数据类型是string。      //对于不存在key的返回值,其类型为REDIS_REPLY_NIL。      if (childReply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING)        printf("The value is %s.n",childReply->str);    }    //对于每一个子应答,无需使用者单独释放,只需释放最外部的redisReply即可。    freeReplyObject(r);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s].n",command5);      printf("Begin to test pipeline.n");    //该命令只是将待发送的命令写入到上下文对象的输出缓冲区中,直到调用后面的    //redisGetReply命令才会批量将缓冲区中的命令写出到Redis服务器。这样可以    //有效的减少客户端与服务器之间的同步等候时间,以及网络IO引起的延迟。    //至于管线的具体性能优势,可以考虑该系列博客中的管线主题。    if (REDIS_OK != redisAppendCommand(c,command1)      || REDIS_OK != redisAppendCommand(c,command2)      || REDIS_OK != redisAppendCommand(c,command3)      || REDIS_OK != redisAppendCommand(c,command4)      || REDIS_OK != redisAppendCommand(c,command5)) {      redisFree(c);      return;    }      redisReply* reply = NULL;    //对pipeline返回结果的处理方式,和前面代码的处理方式完全一直,这里就不再重复给出了。    if (REDIS_OK != redisGetReply(c,(void**)&reply)) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command1);      freeReplyObject(reply);      redisFree(c);    }    freeReplyObject(reply);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command1);      if (REDIS_OK != redisGetReply(c,(void**)&reply)) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command2);      freeReplyObject(reply);      redisFree(c);    }    freeReplyObject(reply);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command2);      if (REDIS_OK != redisGetReply(c,(void**)&reply)) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command3);      freeReplyObject(reply);      redisFree(c);    }    freeReplyObject(reply);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command3);      if (REDIS_OK != redisGetReply(c,(void**)&reply)) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command4);      freeReplyObject(reply);      redisFree(c);    }    freeReplyObject(reply);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command4);      if (REDIS_OK != redisGetReply(c,(void**)&reply)) {      printf("Failed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command5);      freeReplyObject(reply);      redisFree(c);    }    freeReplyObject(reply);    printf("Succeed to execute command[%s] with Pipeline.n",command5);    //由于所有通过pipeline提交的命令结果均已为返回,如果此时继续调用redisGetReply,    //将会导致该函数阻塞并挂起当前线程,直到有新的通过管线提交的命令结果返回。    //最后不要忘记在退出前释放当前连接的上下文对象。    redisFree(c);    return;  }    int main()   {    doTest();    return 0;  }    //输出结果如下:  //Succeed to execute command[set stest1 value1].  //The length of 'stest1' is 6.  //Succeed to execute command[strlen stest1].  //The value of 'stest1' is value1.  //Succeed to execute command[get stest1].  //Succeed to execute command[get stest2].  //The value is value1.  //Succeed to execute command[mget stest1 stest2].  //Begin to test pipeline.  //Succeed to execute command[set stest1 value1] with Pipeline.  //Succeed to execute command[strlen stest1] with Pipeline.  //Succeed to execute command[get stest1] with Pipeline.  //Succeed to execute command[get stest2] with Pipeline.  //Succeed to execute command[mget stest1 stest2] with Pipeline.


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